Food Security
The Food Bank is open on Wednesday mornings 9:30 am to 11:45 pm. The criteria is as follows:
-Applicants are expected to call ahead at least 24 hours ahead to make a Foodbank Hamper appointment. Phone: 250-357-2277
– Anyone in the Salmo/Ymir area can apply for food.
– Applicants will fill in an application form which will include providing names, address and dates of birth of everyone in the household. (Applicants should also provide identification for all people in the household – ID is for confirmation only, numbers will not be recorded)
– Foodbank recipients can receive food every 28 days.
-Foodbank recipients are asked to bring in their own bags.
Food distribution is possible because of the financial and food donations from the community. Salmo Community Resource Society is grateful for the tremendous community support for this much used service.
Christmas Hamper applications come out in mid to late November and are available to anyone in the Salmo/Ymir area (Area G). Salmo Community Services advertises when the application deadline is and accepts applications for a 2 week time frame.
Recipients will receive food and if there are children under 16, recipients will also receive a gift for each child if funds permit.
Our Harvest share program is no longer running the Grant only covered the program for 3 years. We are sad to see this program end as it added much needed fresh fruits and vegetables to our hampers.
On average, Harvest Rescue can glean up to 10,000 pounds of produce every year. This reduces food waste in our community, and bear-human interactions, while also sharing it with people who might not otherwise get to enjoy it.
With the program no longer having a Coordinator we can still accept any extra garden produce or fruit that has been picked, we cannot accept any fruit that has been on the ground.
Donate your own surplus fresh produce: It can be dropped off at Salmo Community Services on Mondays and Tuesdays, between 9:00 am and noon and/or arrangements can be made if these dates do not work.
Please call, 250-357-2277, or email, foodsecurity@scrs.ca if you have any questions about donating you harvests.
Salmo Food Bank supports people in need in our Community and surrounding area. We currently have 6 volunteers that help stock, sort and hand out the Food hampers each Wednesday. We thank each and everyone of our volunteers for all the hard work that goes into volunteering. Your time is very much appreciated.
Our Food bank relies on Grants and Donations to Purchase the food for our hampers so a huge thank you to all our Community members and organizations that donate and to Food Banks Canada, Food Bank BC and CBT for the support and Grants that are available.
Food insecurity can affect anyone, but it seems most troubling when it impacts children and seniors
1st Quarter Report
130 hampers handed out feeding 254 people, 61 children and 73 seniors supported.
Our volunteers donated 182 hours, and 14832.5lbs of food was donated
When we work together, amazing things happen.