Family Services
Family support is provided for families who are experiencing challenges related to parenting and family stability.
Services include:
- Assessment for family strengths and skill development
- Intensive support to help preserve family bonds
- Parent –teen mediation
- Parent skill development
- Parent groups to support healthy conflict resolution, teach child developmental stages, and teach positive parenting skills.
- Family education to build healthy communication skills within the family unit and within the systems /agencies affecting the family (government, schools, medical community etc.)
- Referral to other services and resources within SCRS and the community.
- Support for the family in goal setting, planning, mapping and implementation.
- Ongoing assessment of parenting skills, child safety and family needs.
The approach used is relational, focused on the family’s strengths. Family culture, environment and the systems affecting the family are recognized and respected.
Methods used are:
- Individual support and counseling.
- Work with the family unit.
- Team based with the formal and informal supports available to the individual and family.
- Integrated case management includes the family and other service providers and agencies.
- Group work for education and skill development.
Service provision can occur in office, in the family home, or in community.
The Family Support Program at SCRS is funded through the Ministry of Children and Family Development.
Community Action Plan for Children (CAPC)
Serving the communities of Salmo and Ymir, B.C. We offer three programs weekly, all of which are free and available to all children 0-6 years of age and their caregivers. These are excellent opportunities for you to build friendships with other adults and children in your community, in a safe, warm and accepting environment. Also, these are wonderful opportunities for you and your children to bond as you explore our space, equipped with age appropriate games and toys, books and dress up clothes, craft materials and musical instruments. In addition, opportunities to attend various parent education workshops on topics of your interest are also provided on scheduled Thursdays. Some of our regular visits include time spent with community resources such as the Speech Pathologist and Dental Hygienist, Aboriginal Children’s Programming provided by COINS, as well as monthly visits from the Salmo Children’s Librarian and Salmo Public Health Nurse. A list of our programs and scheduled times is as follows:
(Please note that during these unprecedented times, our play groups will look different. Some of the descriptions below are only possible during healthy, non-pandemic times and a variety of precautions will take place. ie. potlucks are prohibited and there are restrictions to how many people can attend the groups.)
Ymir Family Groups (maximum of 5 families per facilitator)
Morning Birds – Tuesday mornings 10:00-11:15 at The Ymir Hall
Join us for this play group provided free for all children 0-6 yrs. and their caregivers. Some of the activities you may enjoy are story time and craft, healthy potluck lunch, movement and song exercises. Enjoy our bi- weekly visits from the Salmo Children’s Librarian; an opportunity to sign out books from her mobile selection!
Poppies – Tuesday afternoons 1:00-2:15 at The Ymir Hall
Join us for this play group provided free for all children 0-6 yrs. and their caregivers. Some of the activities you may enjoy are story time and craft, healthy potluck lunch, movement and song exercises. Enjoy our bi- weekly visits from the Salmo Children’s Librarian; an opportunity to sign out books from her mobile selection!
Salmo Groups
Play with Me (maximum of 4 families per facilitator)
Wednesdays and Thursdays 10-11:30 @ The Salmo Valley Youth & Community Center – Family Resource Room
Join us for this one and a half hour program provided free for all children 0-6 yrs. and their Care givers. This play group includes story, art activities, snack and songs. In the late spring summer there is also outdoor play, including visits to the Salmo swimming pool! The Salmo Public Health Nurse visits this program once monthly.
NOTE: Our programs close for Christmas, March Break and Summer. They follow the same vacation schedule as School District 8.
This group is open to all parents with children under 18 months. It is a casual, drop-in, support group, where parents bring their baby and interact with other parents and children.
Tuesday mornings 10:00 – 11:30 am. Year round. Maximum families during COVID 19 is 4 families
For more information, please contact Lorraine at 250-357-2277.