Children & Youth
Children and Youth aged 3 – 18 years who need assessment, family and/or individual counselling who have emotional, mental and behavioural issues.
For further information, please contact Salmo Community Services at 250-357-2277.
PEACE (Prevention, Education, Advocacy, Counselling and Empowerment) provides education and supportive counselling for children and youth that have been exposed to and/or witnessed domestic violence/abuse.
You may notice behavioural or emotional challenges in your child such as: low tolerance for frustration; aggressive words or actions towards others; poor concentration; fear of making mistakes; sleep problems; headaches and stomach aches; withdrawal from peers or activities; poor school attendance or academic performance; difficulty focusing; etc. If your child experiences any of these or other behaviours of concern, he or she could benefit from the PEACE program.
PEACE helps children and youth:
· better understand their feelings and how to express them in a safe and assertive manner
· learn the difference between anger and abusive behaviours
· improve their communication and problem-solving skills
· understand healthy and unhealthy relationships
· recognize safe and unsafe situations; and support them in developing their own safety plans
· strengthen and increase their self-esteem
· adjust to family separation due to intimate partner violence
· that may be witnessing domestic violence after the separation of their parents, or experiencing dating violence
· understand how domestic violence has affected them, and offer a safe place for them to share their feelings and experiences
For children aged 3 to 4 years old, we work predominantly with the parent/caregiver.
In an effort to help children and youth make sense of their experience and feel as safe as possible, we offer a variety of expressive therapies including art therapy, play therapy and sand tray therapy as well as mindfulness, psycho-educational, narrative and cognitive behavioural approaches. We often work closely with the parenting program to assist parents in most effectively supporting children through difficult times and through the healing process. We offer individual counselling as well as group counselling, including at times, weekly groups at both schools in Salmo as a form of early intervention for children identified as potentially at-risk.
This program is funded by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Children and Family Development.