Transportation and Senior Services
Program Goal
A daytime, Monday to Friday, Volunteer Driver Service for citizens of Salmo/Ymir and surrounding areas who require assistance to access medical, dental and other essential appointments. This program is for essential, non-emergency appointments only.
How it works:
Once a person is referred by their doctor, they can call our Coordinator indicating the date, time and location of their appointment. The Coordinator will check availability of the driver and then arrangements will be made for the appointment requested. The participant is responsible for paying the driver an expense honoraria directly.
Service is provided to individuals referred to the program by a medical practitioner or community support worker. Self referrals are accepted if supported by medical or community service professionals. Once participants meet screening criteria, they are registered with the program and can book appointments independently.
Volunteer Honoraria
Participants using the service pay an expense honoraria directly to the driver.
Example rates:
In Salmo $ 5.00
Rural Salmo and return $ 10.00
Castlegar, Nelson or Trail and return $20.00
Our Volunteer Drivers are individuals wanting to make an important contribution to their community. Volunteer drivers must:
- be screened by the program coordinator
- agree to code of conduct and confidentiality agreement
- drive vehicles in good working condition
- hold adequate car insurance
- be drivers in good standing with ICBC
- submit a criminal records check
For further information, please call 250-357-2277
This program is funded by Interior Health Authority and Columbia Basin Trust through DOT night funds.
Transit system is currently available Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Please see website for further information.
We are pleased to announce that through United Way, we have a Better at Home Program here in Salmo! This program is in place to support some of the needs of seniors in BC. Services provided by Salmo Better at Home include:
– Friendly visits / calls
– Medical transportation
– Grocery Shopping
– Light Housekeeping
– Minor Home Repair
– Light Yardwork
Find out more by contacting Helen Oldershaw, Coordinator
Thursday and Fridays 10:00 – 3:00
Phone: 250-357-2277 ext 202
We also have a seniors drop-in coffee group on Friday mornings, 10:00-12:00.